Bay Bath Rug - 23 x 39

  • 100% Giza Egyptian Long Staple Cotton, 2200 gram.
  • Custom dyed colors have a 15% up-charge and are not returnable. Please be certain of your color choice prior to purchase.
  • Made in Portugal.

Please note: Rugs typically have a 4-6 week lead time. Custom colors may take slightly longer. Custom colors are custom dyed, and cannot be returned. Please be certain of your color prior to purchase.

Abyss & Habidecor Towel & Rug Care

*We recommend cold or warm water wash.

*Tumble Dry at low temperatures.

*Always wash towels and rugs separately from other home textiles and garments. (Zippers, hooks, snaps, and velcro will pull). Do not wash towels and rugs together.

*We recommend the use of liquid soap.

*We recommend Summer Verbena Towel Wash, or Original Floral Fusion Towel Wash.

*Do not use detergents (i.e. Tide, All, Wisk, etc.) - they contain caustic chemicals that are harmful. Never use bleach, even on white towels and rugs. This weakens the fibers, and yellows the yarns.

*Never vacuum.

*Never use fabric softeners; they coat the cotton with a chemical that prevents water absorption. Do not dry clean. Do not iron. Certain cleaning and hygiene products contain ingredients which cause bleaching.Some of these include: blemish creams (i.e. Proactive), products containing alpha hydroxyl and fruit acid, hair coloring products, bathroom cleaners, and teeth whiteners.